Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ring Photo Caption Contest: Be Clever and Win Daily!

What’s going on? You tell us!

Each day during the Ring, we'll post a new photo-of-the-day and we want YOU to write the caption! Each photo is from our current production of the Ring, but don’t let that limit your imagination—we know the plot already, so tell us what other crazy things could be going on in the picture!

Be creative, funny, witty, and clever. We'll pick a winner each day (to be announced the following morning along with the new daily snapshot), so check back to see if your caption is selected as our favorite!

Oh, and the winner gets a prize (so leave your name in the comments along with your caption)! ONLY available to caption contest winners (i.e not for sale in the gift shop), behold:

Without further ado, let your creative juices flow with our first photo:

Again, be sure to include your name in the comments along with your caption if you want to win! Need inspiration? Check out our last caption writing contest.

Happy caption writing!


  1. Wotan and the giants' quest for the perfect walking stick on their day hike in the woods.

  2. My stick is bigger than yours.

  3. You put your spear in, you put your spear out, you put your spear in and you shake it all about...

  4. This? I stole it from some dumb kid, I think his name was 'Parsifal'. Boy, was he ticked.

  5. Cool a stick! I know I poked my eye out the last time I played with one, but I'm sure this time will be different!

  6. Wotan: Oh, ME GOD! Your sticks are so old-fashioned! And I will close an eye regarding your clothes...


  7. Wotan: "My sthick is big but my range is bigger"

  8. The decision to add some Morris Dancing to the opera left both the audience and some cast members perplexed

  9. Hmmm...according to the markings, it's Apache.

  10. Ask your doctor about sildenafil citrate today!

  11. "We'll wipe that smirk off your face!"
    -- Win H.

  12. OK, who stole our rowboat?
