We are so impressed with the clue-cracking skills of our readers! The bonus round necklace has just been found, hidden at the north end of Discovery Park. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated in "Quixote's Quest" in the past four weeks. We've had tons of fun, and we hope you have, too!

So, to keep the adventure going, we braved the rain this morning and hid one final necklace somewhere in the Seattle area.
All the same rules apply, and we'll post a new clue every day from now through Friday, until the necklace has been found. The first person to find it will receive two free tickets to the March 9 performance of Don Quixote, and will be entered into the drawing for a romantic grand prize package for two. And now for the first clue....
CLUE #1: This place shares a name with his ship; towns north and south share a name with him.
Update, dated 3/2 at 10:20 am:
Seeking Dulcinea’s star, park your steed near the break of day.
Good luck, brave knights!
Hallo, SeaOp bloggers!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of this contest!!
But I do not like the necklace used on stage in this production.
The text says it is a "pearl" necklace, but pearls don't sparkle!! I suspect a sparkling necklace is needed so it will be better seen from the audience, especially in the top balcony. Thus, I'd have suggested (but haven't done so before now) that the supertitile refer to it as her "jewels" rather than her "pearls", even though "en francais" they are referred to as "pearls".
Win H.