Monday, July 27, 2009

We Want YOU to Blog!

Want to be a Ring Blogger? We know we have an audience full of knowledgeable Wagner lovers, and we want to hear all the unique insights, perspectives, and opinions you’re bringing to Seattle this August! Guest bloggers will post entries right here on our blog throughout the month and can include critique(s) of the performance(s) you’ve seen as well as any Wagner related topics of your choice. Prior blogging experience is not required to participate!

Interested? Email with a brief description of any topic(s) you might like to cover, which cycle you are attending, and a link to a previous blog post (if you have one; again, no prior experience is absolutely required).

Happy blogging!


  1. Wotan is always depicted as being blind in one eye. Is this always the right eye or left eye? Or is this up to the star who plays the role? Robert O'Hara (N.Z.)

  2. Wotan is always depicted without one eye. Is this traditionally the right or left eye? Or does the singer playing the role decide which eye is to be covered by a patch?

  3. Hallo, Seattle Opera!
    As a retired Professor of Marketing, I really think you should do more to publicize this excellent blogsite!! Mention it in big, bold letters in the "Encore" program, Seattle Opera magazine, the super-title display before performances, Speight's Q&A sessions -- and mention how to access it DIRECTLY:
    Win H.
